Natural Disaster - Road Construction Works


Natural Disaster - Road Reconstruction Works 


Our Local Government Area has been impacted by several severe weather events over a long period of time, restricting Council’s endeavours to conduct what are extensive repair and restoration works. This is referred to as a Natural Disaster Declaration. When a Natural Disaster event is declared, this means we will do emergency repairs and apply to the NSW Government for funding to do the subsequent reconstruction works. Most of our local roads have been declared under the Natural Disaster Declaration packages which we have lodged to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) for approval. Once approved by TfNSW, Council will commence roadworks, weather and staff and contractor availability permitting, as soon as practically possible. However, we stress that, unfortunately, any works are dependent upon funding availability.

Unfortunately, Council does not have the financial resources to undertake the reconstruction works following a natural disaster event like a flood and requires State and Federal Government funding. This is a process that impacts and affects all NSW Councils across the State.

How the Natural Disaster Declaration Process works



For further information please visit:

What are the different Council packages?

AGRN - EVENT - 030 - 4 August 2022 onwards

AGRN – Event - 030 - 4 August 2022 onwards

Phase – Package - Emergency Works

$ Value Subject to Change - $184,777.81

Status with Transport for NSW

  • Final claim approved in the amount of $161,564.25.

Council Project Status Update

  • Final claim received.






AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards

AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards

Phase – Package - Emergency Works

$ Value Subject to Change - $719,993.85

Status with Transport for NSW

  • TfNSW have notified Council that the claim is approved.

Council Project Status Update

  • Council is awaiting for Funding Grant Letter to be issued.









AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards - Mary Gilmore Way

AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards - Mary Gilmore Way

Phase – Package - EPA-RW - P1 MGW

$ Value Subject to Change - $1,129,634 (including variation) for 80% completed works. Additional scope not approved by TfNSW.

Status with Transport for NSW

  • Mary Gilmore Way - $1.129m submitted to TfNSW.
  • Additional area sent to TfNSW not approved.
  • $1,007,229.71 received from TfNSW for Mary Gilmore Way (Package 1).
  • Council completed Reseal from Block Grant money for regional roads.

Council Project Status Update

  • Line marking work will commence soon on reseal areas.










AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards - General Works

AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards

Phase – Package - Emergency Works

$ Value Subject to Change - $1,850,539.82

Status with Transport for NSW

DCPM submitted scope of work to TfNSW for approval.

Scope includes:

      o  Unsealed roads (non-priority)

      o  Tree & vegetation clearing

Roads included are:

  • Abbots Lane
  •  Adams Lane
  • Adams Lane North
  • Adelargo Road
  • Andersons Road
  • Arramagong Road
  • Back Piney Range Road
  • Bald Hills Road
  • Beazleys Lane
  • Bembricks Lane
  • Berendebba Lane
  • Bewleys Road
  • Bimbi-Caragabal Road
  • Caragabal-Quandialla Road
  • Bobelar Lane
  • Campbells Lane
  • Clay Pit Road
  • Dixons Lane
  • Dunkleys Lane
  • Euraldrie Road
  • Eves Lane
  • Gerrybang Road
  • Gerrybang Road-II
  • Gibraltar Rocks Road
  • Goodes Lane
  • Grants Lane
  • Grimms Lane
  • Hancock-Flinns Road
  • Hancock-Williams Road
  • Hazells Road
  • Healys Road
  • Heathcotes Lane
  • Holy Camp Road
  • Kangarooby Road
  • Major West Road
  • McCanns Lane
  • McDonalds Lane
  • Melyra Street
  • Napiers Road
  • O'Loughlins Lane
  • Peaks Creek Road
  • Piney Range Hall Road
  • Pinnacle Road
  • Reeves Lane
  • Sandy Creek Road
  • South Street
  • Taylors Road
  • Yambira Road








AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards - Priority Patches

AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards

Phase – Package - EPA-RW - P3 Priority Patches (Heavy Patching on Sealed Roads)

$ Value Subject to Change - $8,828,278 New Value: $7,211,868.03

Status with Transport for NSW

$7,211,868.03 upper limit is approved by TfNSW for Package 3.

Contractor has commenced work from Quandi-Caragabal road.

Scope includes:

  • Deaths Lane (80% completed by Council’s own crew as Deaths Lane was unsafe)
  • Henry Lawson Way - Young
  • Henry Lawson Way - Forbes
  • Driftway Road (50% completed)
  • Morangarell Road
  • Quandialla-Caragabal Road

Council Project Status Update

Qandi-Caragabal road is due to completed on 28th May.









AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards - North Patching

AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards

Phase – Package - EPA-RW - P4 - North Patching. (Heavy Patching on Sealed Roads)

$ Value Subject to Change - $7,053,249.65

Status with Transport for NSW

With TfNSW for approval (31 Oct 2023).

Roads included in the package are:

  • Adelargo Road
  • Bald Hills Road - East West Ballendene
  • Bewleys Road
  • Goodes Lane
  • Gooloogong Road (MR237)
  • Hunters Road
  • Keiths Lane
  • Mortray Road
  • Muncks Lane
  • Piney Range Hall Road
  • Sandy Creek Road









AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards - South Patching

AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards

Phase – Package - EPA-RW - P5 - South Patching. (Heavy Patching on Sealed Roads)

$ Value Subject to Change - $10,707,900.20

Status with Transport for NSW

DCPM submitted scope of works to TfNSW for approval.

Scope of works include:

  • Back Piney Range Road
  • Berrys Road
  • Bimbi-Quandialla Road
  • Bimbi-Thuddungra Road
  • Bland Road
  • Edward Square, Greenethorpe
  • Euraldrie Road
  • Gambarra Road
  • Gerrybang Road
  • Gooloogong Road (R096/MR237)
  • Greenethorpe-Bumbaldry Road
  • Greenethorpe-Koorawatha Road
  • Grenfell Street
  • Holy Camp Road
  • Iandra Road
  • James Street
  • Martins Lane
  • Melyra Street
  • Murrays Lane
  • Newton Street
  • Nowlans Road
  • Old Forbes Road
  • Sale Street
  • Second Street
  • South Street
  • Talbot Street
  • Third Street
  • Tyagong Creek Road
  • Wirega-Greenethorpe Road









AGRN - EVENT - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards - Priority Unsealed

AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards

Phase – Package - EPA-RW - P6 - Priority Unsealed

$ Value Subject to Change - $1,941,823   Now: $1,103,072.01

Status with Transport for NSW

$1,103,072.01 is approved from TfNSW for Package 6.

Scope includes medium and heavy formation grading of unsealed roads.

70% of the work under this scope is already completed.  Council will submit the interim payment claim for this Package in June 2024.

Roads included are:

  • Arramagong Road
  • Bald Hills Road
  • Barkers Road East
  • Barkers Road North
  • Gannons Lane
  • Lynchs Road
  • Maddens Lane
  • McCanns Lane
  • Napiers Road
  • Nealons Lane
  • Reeves Lane

Council Project Status Update

Council working on gathering completion photos for interim payment claim.









AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards - Drain Cleaning

AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards

Phase – Package - EPA-RW - P7 - Drain Cleaning

$ Value Subject to Change - $1,550,000.00

Status with Transport for NSW

  • Council providing scope and photos.
  • Once all other packages are approved, Council will begin with scope of work.







AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards - Sinking Culverts

AGRN – Event - 1034 - 14 September 2022 onwards

Phase – Package - EPA-RW - P7 - Sinking Culverts

$ Value Subject to Change - TBC

Status with Transport for NSW

  • Council providing scope and photos.
  • Once all other packages are approved, Council will begin with scope of work.










Natural Disaster – Road Reconstruction Works


At this time of year, colder weather presents challenges for our road sealing operations. Sprayed bituminous treatments, which are essential for road surfacing, require warm and dry conditions to adhere properly to the road surface. When temperatures are cold or damp, there is a significant risk of the seal not bonding correctly with the road, leading to potential issues like early aggregate loss (known as stripping). This can ultimately compromise the durability and safety of our roads and lead to expensive re-work.

To ensure that our road surfaces meet safety and quality standards, all road authorities delay any sealing work, typically over the winter period, until more favourable weather conditions return which is usually around end of September to mid-October.

We understand that this delay may cause inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Your safety and the quality of our infrastructure are our top priorities.